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Update Password

Please Note:
This password change affects your ITLINFOSYS Domain password.
Use this URL if you are connecting from ODCs, isolated networks or extranet. For users who have logged in to ITLINFOSYS domain via LAN or VPN, it is recommended to use CTRL+ALT+DEL option for changing password.

As per the password policy:

  • Your new password should have MINIMUM (not maximum!) of 8 or more characters (Maximum 12 characters).
  • Should have at least Three of the following type of characters:
    1). Lower Case alphabetical.
    2). Upper Case alphabetical.
    3). Numerical Special characters (Punctuations).
  • Should not use any of the last 12 passwords that you have used.
  • Should not contain all or part of users account name.
  • After you change the password, logoff & wait for approx (atleast) 15 minutes to re-login.